: Security Informatic


  • The starting order in the Bios will have to be: A, C, CD-ROM.
  • Download a Boot Disk for Windows ME from here (english)

01.  Insert the Boot Disk of Windows Me and ignite its PC.
02.  Will show a menu, chooses "Initiate PC with compatibility with CD-ROM", and Enter.
03.  You hopes that it loaded MS-DOS.
04.  Insert the Windows ME CD
05.  Type "D:" (or the unit of the CD, without comiles) and press Enter.
06.  Next, Type "install" (without comiles) and Enter, Enter.
07.  Hope that Scandisk finishes reviewing its disks.
08.  Hope that it loaded the install program and click in "Next".
09.  Hope that the installation assistant arrives at 100%.
10.  Accept the contract and click in "Next".
11.  Put the key of Windows (license), and click in button "Next"
12.  Soon a directory will request (folder) where will settle Windows ME.
13.  Verify that it is the present Windows ME folder (part criticizes).
14.  If it puts another folder a clean installation will begin.
15.  Click in "Next", will begin the verification and the preparation of the directory.
16.  It will ask "wishes to keep the system files", puts "no" (if damages were serious).
17.  Enter the name of its equipment and the organization.
18.  Click "Next", "Next", "Next".
19.  It will leave the screen to create the "Boot Disk", can omit the creation of this.
20.  Click in "Finish" so that the reinstall begins

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