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Ever since the word was used for the first time Hacker, more or less for 10 years, this one badly has been used,  badly interpreted and classified in a missed context, before nothing,  let us clarify that it finish Hacker it does not have anything to do with criminal activities, although many Hackers commits errors, the definition does not have anything to do with it. 

Definition 1: Term to designate to somebody with talent,  knowledge, intelligence and naivete,  specially related to the operations of computer,  networks, security, etc. 

Definition 2:Person who enjoys learning details the programming systems and  how to extend its capacities, as intensely as, on the contrary,
many users prefer to learn only the necessary minimum. 

According to  monografias.com : The term to hacker, it is used to identify to that they accede solely to a protected system  as if one was a personal challenge without trying to cause damages. 

See that no defines to the Hacker like a criminal. In the best one of the cases,  At best, they are stimulate them, prove and approve the best and more new technologies.  In the worse one, the Hackers can be frolicsome,  profligates  and peculiar delinquents. If we understand like Hacker the individual that uses its abilities resources to invade other persons computer science systems,  we left a hollow in the definition,  then it is not so simple, a Hacker can be a boy frolicsome,  a young delinquent or a great professional contracted by a great corporation. 


Grace Hooper

Graduated in mathematics and the physics in the Vassar College Grace Hooper  it was assimilated in the Navy military of the United States,  getting to ascend to the flag rank. 

Grace Hooper, in untiring form dedicated itself to investigate diligently  the possibilities of programming in the computers, of the First and Second Generation.
Their fellow workers commented that she worked like " hacker ". 

During World War II,  working in its computer Mark I admiral Hooper  one dedicated to its investigations and experiments, even outside its schedule of work or until in holidays. 

Grace Hooper created the Flowmatic language, with which it developed many applications and  in 1951 it produced the first compiler, denominated A-0  (Math Matic). In 1960 first version of the language presented/displayed his  COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language). 

Paradoxicalally, it received between many recognitions and decorations,  the title of Man of the Year in Sciences of the Computation,  granted by Data Processing Managment Association.  Also distinguished member of British Computer Society was the first named woman and until today it is first and  only woman with the flag rank of the Navy military of his pais.  Grace Hooper passed away in 1992. 

Admiral Grace Hooper received the name de"The amazing Grace "  (the amazing Grace) and it is considered first to hacker of the era of the computation 


Kevin Mitnick

Like hacker,  its race began to the 16 years when, obsessed by the networks of computers, it broke the security of the administrative system of its school. For Kevin, the daily task in its last ten years was to explore and  "explode"other persons computers and  telephone systems. 

żHis profession? "hacker", and without a doubt very good.  According to the Department of Justice of the United States,  this " electronic terrorist ",  known like " the Cóndor ", he was able to create telephone numbers impossible to invoice, he was able to create telephone numbers impossible to invoice,  take control of 20,000 numbers of credit cards of inhabitants of California and  to make fun of of FBI by more than two years just by a cellular telephone grasped and a laptop.  A fine type. 

Mitnick already was arrested in 1988  invade system Equipment the Digitalis. It was declared guilty of a position of fraud in computers, and of one by illegal possession of access codes of long distance. Additionally to the sentence, the public prosecutor obtained an order of the cut that he prohibited to Mitnick  the use of the telephone in prison alleging that the prisoner could obtain access  to computers through nobody  "tel%eacute;fono". At the request of Mitnick, the judge authorized to him to call solely to his lawyer, to its wife,  to its mother and her grandmother,  and only under the supervision of an official of the prison. 

After several unfruitful attempts,  looking for to per them of telephony,  one was with the computer of Tsutomu Shimomura, which it acceded in Christmas of 1994.  Shimomura is a physicist,  programmer and expert in security systems of the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and also very good for hacker,  although it comprises of the calls  " small good "  and it exerts of consultant of computer science security.  And, as it is counted in Takedown,  at the " bad one " its hour arrived to him; after an arduous persecution,  they found it.
Here it is the impressive federal accusation to Mitnick. 

Vladimir Levin

Graduating in mathematics of the Technological University of San Petesburgo, Rusia, "fu&racute"; defendant of being the masterful mind of a series of technological frauds, that they allowed him and  the band that conformed,  subtract more than 10 million dollars,  of corporative accounts of Citibank. 

In 1995 it was arrested by Interpol,  in the airport of Heathrow, England, and soon extradited to the United States. 

The investigations established that from their computer installed in company AO Saturn,  of San Petesburgo, where it worked, Levin enters to the accounts of the Citibank of New York and it transferred the bottoms to accounts in Finland,  Israel and in the Bank of America of San Francisco, the United States. 

Although the band subtracted more than 10 million dollars to Citibank,  Levin was sentenced to 3 years of prison and to pay the sum of U.S. $ 240.015 in favor of Citibank, 
since the insurance agencies had covered the amounts with the offended corporations. 

Ian Murphy

Known between its friendships like "Capitán Zap", he was the first one to cracker in falling after the grates. Murphy entered of illegal way in the computers of AT&T in 1981 and  it changed the configuration of the internal clocks in charge to measure the times and tariffs to receive.  Thus, there were thousands of people who were surprised when receiving the account and to verify that they had great discounts by calls made in nocturnal schedule when in fact they had done it in broad daylight. 

Opposite case with respect to that they at midnight called with the pretext to save, because they received bulky and inexplicable invoices. 

Murphy, now general manager of IAM/Secure Data Systems, 
it was the inspiration for the film " Sneakers ". 

Robert Tappan Morris

The 2 of November of 1988 Robert Tappan Morris known like the worm Morris, it designed a worm that was able to hurl 1/10 of the Internet of then  (what it means that disqualified near 6 thousand computers). 

The subject committed the error to speak in chat on its creation months before carrying out the plan. The subject committed the error to speak in chat on its creation months before carrying out the plan. 

Robert Morris was the first individual in being processed under the Act of Fraud and Computacional Abuse of the U.S.A., but one only was forced to make communitarian services and to pay the guarantee, everything under the pretext of which the virus of its creation had not destroyed the archives of the affected machines. 

Nevertheless,  the cost of eradicating the worm of the infected computers was of U.S. $ 15 million. 

The " Worm Morris " was determining at the time of founding the " Equipment Anticiberterrorista CERT " (Computer Emergency Response Team),
that one would be in charge to fight with future problems of characteristic similars. 

The swarms Mod and Lod 

In 1993, the Teachers of Deception  (Masters of Deception) they were first crackers in being captured thanks to the intervention of telephone lines. 

Types of great fame to have numerous forms to avoid the payment of telephone calls of long distance, the MOD in addition could listen to private conversations and even create enormous lines multiconferences that shared with their friends. 

Along with to pass it well through the telephone,  many data bases hackearon, including the one of National Security Agency, AT&T and the one of the Bank of America.  Also they could accede to the registries of the Credit Record Repoting Agency and this way " to stare at " the rich registries of and the famous ones. 

As if outside little,  the MOD have more credentials than to show.  Famous they were the wars against the Legion of Doom (LOD), another group of crackers that had the reputation of being the hiding place of the elements of elite of this underground world. 

The birth of the MOD goes back at the same time of intense internal disputes between the members of LOD. One of its leaders, hacker Phiber Optik, left this community and formed MOD.  From that moment a series of battles followed one another to obtain the title of " Cracker King ", until most of the members of both sides they were captured in 1993. 

The testimonies are many that assure that no member of MOD would have been punished if they had not participated in the constant confrontations against the LOD. 

Chen Ing-Hua

Known in the world like the creator of the virus Chernobyl or CIH,  this young Taiwanese of 25 years, it said to the authorities of its country  that, it spread to the computer science program the 26 of April of 1999  so that it agreed with the thirteenth anniversary of the happened nuclear disaster in the old USSR.  

Lawyer in computer science engineering, Chen Ing-Hua assured that it used the initials of his name  (CIH) in order to technically denominate the virus, while it studied in the University of Tantung, in Taipei. 

"He designed the virus because it was angered and because all the existing programs antivirus in Internet are ineffective ", it said at its moment  Chen Ing-Hua to the international agencies of the news. Also it needed that it did not think that its creation could cause as much damage. 

By this fact,  the university denounced it in the month of May of 1999 before the state authorities of Taipei, after paralyzing hundreds of thousands of computers in Southeast Asia.  The virus caused important damages in  Korea of South 
although the impact was much smaller in Europe and practically null in the United States. 

David Smith

Been born in Aberdeen (New Jersey), David L. Smith of 31 years of age,  it was accused to create the virus Melissa who propagated quickly in hundreds of million computers worldwide. He appeared for the first time before the cameras of television and the photographers of the agencies of the news,  when it left the Superior Court of the county of Monmouth, after finding out the positions of which he was accused: interruption of the public communications,  conspiracy to commit the crime and robbery of services of computers in third degree. 

Of prosper the denunciations that face,  Smith could spend at least 40 years in prison and  it would be forced to pay a fine of more than 400,000 million dollars.  This computer science programmer admitted before the high court of justice of to have acceded of illegal form to America Online
in order to send the virus through Internet. 

Onel and Irene De Guzmán 

This pair of Philippine brothers recognized during a press conference made in its country who had spread the virus  I Love You of accidental way.  In the case of Onel De Guzmán, 22 years,  ex-student of the University of Computer science  AMA and main suspect of to have created east program, adduced that its performance was a censorship signal so that the service of Internet in its country he is expensive for the young people, instead of being gratuitous. 

In spite of the accusations of which the brothers Of Guzmán have been object,  lthe authorities of the Philippines are in a serious dilemma, in virtue to that nontipifica legislation like crime the computer science piracy. By this situation, they cannot be described as suspects and, therefore,  it is not possible to be mentioned to them to declare of legal form, it indicated its personal lawyer. 


Many Hackers " malignant " uses the weaknesses of  Windows to enter a PC remotely by means of the use of programs hack, backdoor, troyanos, etc. For example Internet Explorer could be said that it is of the weak sailed ones but that there are, since for years serious faults of security have been detected to him  (paradoxicalally he is but the popular one).  






























































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